[#naraontour] Detailled report December 31th

IMG_4274 - KopieAfter a heavy night at the border in Idomeni, we went to the village of Polykastro to print the informations we wanted to distribute at the petrol station later on. In a kiosk we met a nice person who printed our texts for little money. Then we drove to Idomeni to welcome our second crew that had just arrived in Greece. On our way, we saw people walking towards the border – probably they came from the petrol station or the train station in Polykastro, that means they would have to to walk 15-20 kilometers. We stopped to talk to them. They arranged a contact to a family with three children, two adults and an elderly person walking in direction of the border as well. We helped them so that they didn’t have to walk the rest of their last stopover before Macedonia. „[#naraontour] Detailled report December 31th“ weiterlesen

[#naraontour] Detailled report December 30th

IMG_4224 - KopiePolykastro and Idomeni
First we went to Polykastro to check the situation. We had heard that several busses were expected for that evening, and we counted in deed 50 busses and round about 2000 people at the open petrol station terrain where they suffered the falling snow and the cold. After all „médicins sans frontières“ had delivered fire wood and their mobile clinic was announced to arrive at 11pm. „[#naraontour] Detailled report December 30th“ weiterlesen

[#‎naraontour‬] interim report December 31th

#naraontour interim report December 31th:
Our first crew distributed flyers to refugees at the border informing them about their situation and their perspectives.flyers are in english and french, please contact us if you can help by translating them in other languages (update: flyer is now available in spanish, farsi and arabic too!). The second crew arrived in Idomeni after 31h on the road.they joined the first crew and now they’re together at the petrol station in ‪#‎Polikastro‬ giving emergency aid. „[#‎naraontour‬] interim report December 31th“ weiterlesen

[#‎naraontour‬] Detailled report December 29th

Idomeni and Polykastro
Yesterday we talked to an activist which gave us an overview over activities along the Balkan route. We also brought together informations about German asylum procedure in order to write an information text that can be translated in different languages and that informs people about what is awaiting them in Germany.
As we wanted to talk to the people at the petrol station again to tell them that they don’t have to spend their few money in the petrol station shop because they can get blankets, clothes, food and water for free at the border, we decided to drive to Polykastro. We took some blankets, warm coats, bread and biscuits with us, but primarily we wanted to document the refugees‘ situation at the petrol station, their duration of stay there and their supply with e.g. food. On site, we met a „médecins sans frontières“-group to which we established contact. They told us that on the very same evening, 10 to 15 busses were excepted at the petrol station. The day before, the petrol station shop owner had already declined our offer to build up a people’s kitchen. Anyway we started to give out bread and water when the first of the announced busses arrived. Lots of people couldn’t pay for the food at the petrol station shop and therefore they were glad to get our stuff. „[#‎naraontour‬] Detailled report December 29th“ weiterlesen

[#naraontour] interim report December 30th

#‎naraontour‬: interim report December 30th:
at petrol station in ‪#‎kastropi‬ near ‪#‎idomeni‬: there are 30 busses waiting. it’s snowing. people waiting in the cold. try to keep them warm with camp fires. they will have to wait a long, long time. authorities in #idomeni are overwhelmed (@no_border_kiel)

Kurzer Zwischenstand von der griechisch-makedonischen Grenze: Unsere Crew berichtet von inzwischen 30 Bussen, die an der Tankstelle in Kastropi (nahe Idomeni) warten. Es schneit, die Menschen frieren. Sie versuchen sich mit Lagerfeuern zu wärmen, das Thermometer soll heute Nacht auf -9 Grad Celsius fallen. Der Sturm, der im Libanon bereits drei refugees das Leben kostete, ist erst im Anmarsch. Die Menschen werden lange warten müssen, bis sie zur Grenze, die bis heute nachmittag um 16 Uhr wieder komplett geschlossen war, vorgelassen werden, nur um dort dann wieder die rassistische Segregation über sich ergehen zu lassen. Αλληλεγγύη στους πρόσφυγες – Solidarity with the refugees!

UPDATE: Médecins sans frontières-Sea posted that 2000 people passed the night at the petrol station! (photo: MSF-Sea via twitter)
camp fire at petrol station